Choose best keyword to write articles for better SEO optimization

It seems that almost everyone out there has a blog these days. Some of them are still used for their personal use, but more and more blogs are being made for the publication of information. The main reason is that they’re much easier to maintain than a traditional website, but it’s also because you can post just about anything you want. So, what does this have to do with creative writing? Everything.

Most people create what are now known as “niche blogs”. These are stylized sites designed to discuss one particular topic, such as creative writing. However, when it comes to making money from these sites, you have to know which keywords or phrases are bringing in the most traffic. The experts will tell you that you’ve got to buy expensive software to find out what these words and phrases are, but no me. I’m cheap and I’ll admit it.

There is a site that you can sign up with for keyword answers. It’s called and it is 100% free. You can become a member for free, but you don’t have to be a member to use this tool. How it works is this, you simply put in your choice of keywords and/or phrases into the little box provided, and they’ll give you the 50 most popular searches that coincide with your words.

You will also be given a daily predicted search total from the 3 major search engines. Meaning that they’ll tell you how many searches they “think” this keyword(s) will get from Google, Yahoo, and MSN. You can also check each of these sites to see how well your competition is doing and who they are. Now, I know what you’re thinking. What in the name of Grandpa Gus does this have to do with creative writing? As I said before, everything.

With some keyword searches, you’ll only get a couple other ideas or phrases that are similar to yours. However, for the most part you’ll get a lot of different terms, and with that, a ton of new ideas. Yes kids, you can use this tool as a way of coming up with new and improved writing ideas. You can also us it to see what others are writing about, and that will give you some idea as to what people are looking for. And when you know what the people want, you’ll know what to give them.

Being a creative writer is only part of the game. You’ve got to be creative in everything you do. Be creative in finding new ideas. Be creative in getting your name out there to the world. And, be creative in keeping up with your competition. After all, you’re creative one, remember?

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