How to track country location using IP address: free online service

Do you know what the IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are? These are the like the street address of any pc connected to the Internet. An IP address is always unique for any pc for better communication and easy access.

Now how you can track the country location any pc if you know the IP address; though there are several online services which offer such services but below are some of the best services.


1. IP2Location: A free online service: This is one of the most popular online service which offer the online conversion of IP address into country location. You can track up to 20 address per day and it have the ability to track down an IP location to country location, flag, region, ISP, city, map information for specific IP address.

2. Host2IPonline: Host2IP online service allows you to convert any hostname into respective IP address. You also perform reverse conversion from IP address to specific country name or location. It displays respective country and exact host name for any IP address.

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