MSN Messenger Trick : MSN/Windows Live messenger Block Checker

I assume you  have already read on how you can start continuous MSN nudges from one of the my previous article

MSN Messenger hacks/tricks : Send continuous MSN nudges

Now today you will learn how you can check or trace blocked MSN friends using Triople msn block checker– a tool used to check whether a particular person is blocking you on his network or who has blocked you on MSN messenger or Windows Live messenger. Though there are many MSN articles and application claiming to trace MSN  blockers, but i found rarely any of the several websites working perfect. So, finally i decided to introduce all of you with Triople msn block checker which works good and is really affective Triople MSN Block Checker :

1. Go to Triople MSN Block Checker site .
2. You will get something like this.

3. In textfield next to “Check” , enter the e-mail address of the person you want to check.

4. Hit “Check” and now you know whether person is blocking you on msn/Windows Live messenger.

What does Triople MSN Windows Live Block Checker do?

Triople checks whether a specific Windows Live Messenger / MSN Messenger user is online or offline. Triople does not return all the users blocking the account entered!

So guys, i hope now you can check who is  blocking you on MSN/ Windows Live messenger using MSN Messenger software MSN Messenger Block Checker.

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