Orkut hacks : How to send encrypted secret private orkut scraps

Quite back some time I have mentioned a post as how you can add music, images or videos into an Orkut Scrap Now today you will know about the orkut hacking method to send private orkut scraps i.e. you can encrypt your orkut scraps and prevent other undesired orkut users from reading orkut scraps sent by you. This is one of the best trick if you want to be in safe hands when would like to prevent unauthorize access to your scraps.

Encrypt / Send private orkut scraps : Before you proceed plz note this trick only work with Mozilla Firefox as this require a Mozilla Add on to work. You can download this plugin called ACRYPTORK from the link given. Now follow the steps described below:

1. Install ACRYPTORK firefox addon for orkut.

2. Restart Firefox and go to your friend’s scrapbook to whom you wish to send encrypted private orkut scrap.

3. Now, in scrap area, type in keyword followed by colon and orkut scrap to be sent.
Syntax for encoding:- keyword:msg to be sent

I have taken abcd as keyword and “i love you…” as private orkut scrap to be sent.

4. On doing this, click on “Encrypt” and now your orkut scrap will be encoded. Now, hit on “Post scrap” to send your encoded orkut scrap.

5. On receiver side, to decrypt and read this encoded orkut scrap, the orkut friend should know the keyword used to encrypt orkut scrap. To decrypt the orkut scrap, in scrap area, type keyword followed by colon followed by received encoded orkut scrap as below syntax :
Syntax for decrypting :- keyword:encoded copied orkut scrap

6. On doing step 6, hit on decrypt to read the actual private orkut scrap sent by orkut friend only for the receiver.

Note : For receiver to read orkut scrap, he should have Firefox addon “ACRYPTORK” installed. Also, avoid use of “(double inverted) or ‘ in scrap.

Thats it. Now, you can use this ACRYPTORK addon to send private orkut scraps to your orkut friends. If you have any problem in using this orkut cum

Firefox addon to send private orkut scraps, please mention it in comments section.

Enjoy private orkut scraps…

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