What is IPv4 and IPv6 internet addressing system….

Now days Internet or web world is one of the areas having rapid enhancement…. and its addressing system is likely to be first one… giving the major change. Now what the internet addressing system and what are the changes?

So far to access or provideĀ  internet we use IPv4 connectivity which is w 4bit connectivity… though these were fine until the evolution of tablets or hand held devices but now there is need of another addressing system that is large enough to hold higher number of addresses, this introduced the IPv6 addressing system which is a 6 bit addressing system. Some major website owners have already started testing their pages on the new system which includes Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Facebook.

Now if everything goes well we will very soon have the major change… but to get it we don’t need to do any change at our end as it is website owners (the servers) or the web browser owners will tackle all this change.

Let’s hope for the best…


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