What is Googleupdate.exe and how it has installed in the memory?

If you have just downloaded the Google Chrome and installed it over the system, then you may have noticed the Googleupdate.exe like process in the task manager. Though this process might also can be automatically install itself if you have ever installed any one of the Google Products i.e. Google Earth etc. Now the question arises what this process is responsible for? Though this has nothing to do with the system process but is silently monitors the state and any update for the Google Products. And if there any update available it will automatically update them.

Now if you have limited internet bandwidth or limited computer resources like low ram or cpu then such unwanted tasks are really very frustrating. Now if you want to disable this process for forever then don’t worry you can do with the following simple step.

You just need to visit the active services window, type services.msc in the Run box. Just disable the process starting with name gupdate however killing the process at runtime, would also remove the GoogleUpdate.exe process from background.

Hope the next time this will not irritate you.

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